Peesi tali fiefia/en

  • This is the wikipedia for the language of TONGA, Polynesia, South Pacific.
  • Ceci est la wikipédia en tongien, la langue des TONGA, Polynésie, Pacifique Sud.
  • Dit is de wikipedia in het Tongaans, de taal van TONGA, Polynesië, Stille Oceaan.
  • Ko e wikipedia ʻeni maʻa lea fakatonga ʻi TONGA ni, ʻi Polinisia, mo e muli.

This Wikipedia is made in the Tongan language. However, to help strangers to move around, some of the main navigation pages have an English translation. Also some articles which may be interesting to foreign scholars (but not interesting enough for the general public to warrant inclusion on the English Wikipedia) may also have translations.

If there is it appears in the upper right corner of the screen as follows:

  • English abstract available GO when the English text is an abstract of the Tongan version or only a small part of it.
  • English translation available GO when the English text is essentially a translation of the Tongan, but it does not need to be a literal translation
  • More information in English available GO when the English text is more extensive than the Tongan, addressing topics not found in the Tongan text.

See the list of articles with an English translation here.

Current number of articles: 2,015 FOKI